Thursday, March 26, 2009

S5 Linguistic Terminology Revision Unit 1

Below is a list of definitions of linguistic terms, followed by the terms themselves. Match the term with the definition.

An exchange which is completed in two turns (moves): an utterance and its response.

The negotiation or control of the subject discussed in conversation.

Words or sounds used by the listener to give feedback to the talker during a conversation.

A spoken interaction involving more than one person.

A sequence of turns in a conversation/ dialogue.

Words or phrases used to indicate that the speaker has completed one topic and is moving on to another.

A study of the ways that speakers in a conversation alternate turns to speak.

A grammatical mood that expresses a statement – e.g. I am a hardworking student.

A grammatical mood expressing a directive (command, warning, request, etc.).

A grammatical mood expressing a question.

A particular medium of communication – e.g. speech, writing, etc.

A written record of spoken language, which may use symbols to represent the distinctive features of speech.

A piece of spoken language. Also used to describe a spoken ‘sentence’, since it can be difficult to apply the normal rules of a written sentence to speech.

Mode; turn-taking; declarative;

Utterance; interrogative; framing-move;

Adjacency pair; back-channel behaviour; agenda-setting;

Imperative; exchange; dialogue;


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